Thank you, June, for that super-generous introduction. I feel honored – and very nostalgic – to have this opportunity to share some thoughts as part of your vision-setting exercise. I....
Thought you might find this of interest… Dear Kul, Good afternoon from Bangkok from our Communications team and we hope you are doing well. We’re happy to share for your viewing the Wisdom Project video (attached) that will be published next week on UNICEF Thailand social media, and we
In Defense of Multilateralism and the United Nations TEDx Georgetown remarks by Kul Chandra Gautam
Global Citizen: Future of the UN in a Nationalist World Remarks by Kul Chandra Gautam at Frontline Club, London, UK 5 October 2018 ———————————————————————
Myths, realities and challenges ahead for the UN Remarks by Kul Chandra Gautam at Institute of Development Studies, Sussex University, UK 2 October 2018 —————————————————————
The Serendipitous Global Citizen Award Remarks by Kul Chandra Gautam Winner of 2018 Harris Wofford Global Citizen Award at the US Peace Corps Conference Shawnee. Pennsylvania, 24 August 2018 I feel deeply humbled and grateful to receive this prestigious 2018 Harris Wofford Global Citizen Award confe
Himalayan Connectivity for Prosperity Opening remarks by Kul Chandra Gautam∙ Himalayan Consensus Summit Kathmandu, 24 March 2018 Quality education and connectivity are the key to our personal success and national development. Many of us grew up in the Himalayan region when illiteracy was high and
It is always a delight for me to be with young people interested in the work of the United Nations. I want to congratulate the International School of Bangkok and other participating schools for organizing this Model UN Conference in this magnificent setting of UN-ESCAP. I trust in the last three da
Ending Preventable Child & Maternal Deaths: American Bi-partisan Support for Child Survival and Development by Kul Chandra Gautam Washington, DC, 21 June 2017 Thank you for the opportunity to share a snapshot of the glorious history of bipartisan leadership that has been exercised in these
Remarks by Kul Chandra Gautam· at UNAIDS Regional Management Meeting Bangkok, 27 October 2014 It is a tremendous honour to follow the brilliant presentation by Professor Praphan Phanuphak, and to precede my good friend and the dynamic head of UNAIDS, Michel Sidibe. I have been a bit out of touch wi
Remarks by Kul Chandra Gautam at World Bank Staff Brown Bag Lunch Kathmandu, 20 August 2014 It is a real pleasure to join you all – development professionals of the World Bank – a great institution that celebrated 50 years of very productive partnership with Nepal a few years ago. I was delighte
Remarks by Kul Chandra Gautam, University of Ottawa, RESULTS Canada National Conference, Ottawa, 2 December 2013 It is an honour to be at this historic University of Ottawa, a great centre of learning, that I understand hosts the largest school of development studies in Canada. I thank RESULTS Canad
Keynote Address by Kul Chandra Gautam RESULTS Canada National Conference, Ottawa, 30 November 2013 This evening, I have been asked to speak about ending child poverty as key to sustainable development – and Canada’s role in that context. Let me start by reminding all of us that we were all child
Remarks by Kul Chandra Gautam at a Panel on The Future for the World’s Children RESULTS Canada National Conference Ottawa, 30 November 2013 It is such a joy to be part of this cheerful panel on the “Future of the World’s Children”, a subject that has always been close to my he
Keynote Remarks by Kul Chandra Gautam International Conference on Education for the Common Heritage Oporto, Portugal, 1 November 2013 I warmly commend the Serralves Foundation on its 25th anniversary. The world would be a much better place, if we could do globally what the Serralves Foundation has d
by Kul Chandra Gautam Conference on Agricultural Transformation in Asia: Policy Options for Food and Nutrition Security Siem Reap, Cambodia 26 September 2013 I am grateful to the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), Cambodia Development Resource Institute (CDRI), and the United Stat
Remarks by Kul Chandra Gautam at RESULTS International Conference, Washington, DC, 21 July 2013 I am delighted to join my former boss at UNICEF, Carol Bellamy, who is leading a great world-wide effort to promote education for all as the Chair of the Global Partnership for Education (GPE).
by Kul Chandra Gautam at Special Session of XI Agricultural Sciences Congress, Orissa University of Agriculture & Technology, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India, 8 February 2013 We all know the old saying that “Man does not live by bread alone”. Perhaps in keeping with the times, and what we ha
Remarks by Kul Chandra Gautam· At an interaction on Keeping Promises, Measuring Results On Women’s and Children’s Health New York, 23 September 2012 Having been personally involved in the founding of PMNCH and Countdown-2015 for maternal and child health, I am delighted to be here today to cele
by Kul Chandra Gautam Chairman, World Day of Prayer and Action for Children Fourth Forum of the Global Network of Religions for Children Dar es Salaam, Tanzania 18 June 2012 During this GNRC Forum, we have heard some shocking statistics and touching stories of massive child poverty around the world.
by Kul Chandra Gautam Distinguished Speakers Series in Celebration of 50th Anniversary of USAID Washington, DC, 6 June 2012 I feel immensely honoured to be asked to address this impressive gathering as part of the Distinguished Speakers Series in Celebration of the 50th Anniversary of the US Agency
Remarks by Kul Chandra Gautam At pre-conference workshop on Interventions to improve maternal and newborn nutrition in Nepal Eighth Conference of the Perinatal Society of Nepal (PESCON) Kathmandu, 25 November 2011 I feel greatly honoured to be invited to attend this important workshop on the eve of
Remarks by Kul Chandra Gautam At a Panel Discussion at the World Bank Washington, DC, 23 September 2011 Distinguished participants, I wish to commend the World Bank, and its South Asia department for giving nutrition the priority it deserves, both in terms of overall policy and practical support it
By Kul Chandra Gautam Hosted by Dartmouth for UNICEF Campus Initiative Dartmouth College Hanover, NH, 21 September 2011 I am so delighted to learn that Dartmouth has joined a growing list of universities in America that participate in the UNICEF Campus Initiative. Among the many exciting extra-curri
Remarks by Kul Chandra Gautam At Model UN at Dartmouth College Students Hanover, NH, 21 September 2011 It is always a pleasure for me to be with young people interested in the work of the United Nations. The Model United Nations programme is a wonderful way for students to learn about the UN, what i
Remarks by Kul Chandra Gautam ‘72 Dartmouth College Convocation Hanover, NH, 20 September 2011 President Kim, Faculty members and staff And dear students of the Class of 2015 Thank you, Dean Johnson, for that kind introduction. I first landed on this beautiful campus 43 years ago, in a similarly b
By Kul Chandra Gautam Rotary International South Asia Conference on Development and Co-operation Colombo, Sri Lanka, 4 September 2011 I thank our Chairperson for that very kind and generous introduction. A shorter and simpler introduction would have been that I am a relatively new Rotarian, but with
Remarks by Kul Chandra Gautam Second Sub-Regional Workshop on South Asian Human Rights Mechanism Kathmandu, 25 July 2011 I want to thank the organizers of the workshop for kindly inviting me to say a few words. I might be a bit of a misfit here, as I have not attended any previous meetings on this &
Statement by Kul Chandra Gautam At interaction Programme with Gautam Buddha International Peace Award Laureates Kathmandu, 18 May 2011 It is a great honour for me to join the winners of the first Gautam Buddha International Peace Award, the Mayors of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and to present a Nepalese
Although coming from very different backgrounds and different life experiences, Bill Gates and Jim Grant seem to share many convictions in common. Jim Grant’s interest and commitment to human development came from his own first-hand personal experience of living and working in many developing coun
Statement by His Excellency Mr. Kul Chandra Gautam Special Advisor to the Prime Minister on International Affairs and the Peace Process New York, 22 February 2011 Mr. Chairman, Excellencies, dear friends, I wish to thank our Chair and the whole Asian Group, for this opportunity to share with you som
Marking Three Decades of Child Survival and Development Revolution And 30 Years of RESULTS’ Contribution to Shaping Global Development Agenda RESULTS International Conference By Kul Chandra Gautam Washington, DC, 21 June 2010 I feel immensely honoured to be asked to address this Plenary Session on
Remarks by Kul Chandra Gautam At a Public Seminar on Children’s Rights in Cambodia – Past, Present and Future Phnom Penh, 1 October 2009 Please allow me to start with a personal reflection. Visiting Cambodia is always a bitter-sweet experience for me. It is sweet – because I love this country;
Keynote Statement by Kul Chandra Gautam National Symposium at Georgetown University Law Center Washington, D.C. 2 June 2009 I feel privileged to join Professor Yang-Hee Lee, the Chair of the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child, to share with you some international perspectives on why – not jus
By Kul Chandra Gautam 2009 Rabbi Marshall Meyer Great Issues Lecture on Social Justice (Co-sponsored by the John Sloan Dickey Center for International Understanding and William Jewett Tucker Foundation) Dartmouth College, Hanover NH 2 February 2009 Thank you, for this enormous honour to deliver the
The 2008 Kanchana Abhayapala Memorial Lecture By Kul Chandra Gautam Colombo, Sri Lanka, 28 November 2008 I bring you greetings from the roof of the world, Nepal, whose high Himalayas seem to have ancient geological connections with the deep seas of Sri Lanka. Though at two opposite ends of our sub-c
Sean Hepburn Ferrer 2008 Audrey Hepburn Humanitarian Award Kul Chandra Gautam was born in 1949 in the small village of Amarpur in the Gulmi district of western Nepal. Amarpur had no school, no health post, no running water, and no roads. It took seven days’ hike to reach it. Even to this day, the
Remarks by Mr. Kul Chandra Gautam Recipient of the 2008 Audrey Hepburn Humanitarian Award At the Annual Meeting of the US Fund for UNICEF Atlanta 19 June 2008 Thank you Sean, for that warm and generous introduction. Ladies and gentlemen, and dear friends,I bring you greetings from the newest republi
Keynote Address by Mr. Kul Chandra Gautam Third Forum of the Global Network of Religions for Children Hiroshima, Japan, 24 May 2008 We live in the most prosperous of times in human history. Last year world economic output reached US$60 trillion. And according to the Forbes magazine, the number of bi
Farewell remarks by Kul C. Gautam At UNICEF Staff Holiday party New York, 14 December 2007 I want to thank, the NY Staff Association for dedicating part of our Annual Holiday Party for this nice, good-bye occasion for me. I feel so touched and loved by your gesture. Throughout my nearly 35 years, I
Remarks by Kul C. Gautam At UNICEF farewell party New York, 12 December 2007 I feel so flattered and overwhelmed with all the generous accolade bestowed on me this evening… I know they are all meant well and sincerely, but I can tell you with absolute certainty that I actually deserve only a small
Remarks by Kul C. Gautam Deputy Executive Director, UNICEF At Save the Children / Saving Newborn Lives Reception Global Health Council Conference, Washington DC, 30 May 2007 Thank you, Charlie, thank you so very much for your kind words and warm sentiments. I am also grateful to Anne Tinker a
Stockholm, 17 May 2006 I feel so humbled and awed to be addressing this extraordinary gathering in the parliament of one of the world’s most advanced democracies, in a country known all over the world for its progressive social policies and enlightened multilateralism. I was born in a small villag
Lessons from Jim Grant’s Vision for Public Health by Kul C. Gautam Deputy Executive Director, UNICEF at the James P. Grant School of Public Health BRAC University, Dhaka 24 November 2005 Certain names evoke profound sentiments of awe, inspiration, respect and gratitude in our hearts and minds. Mah
(17 September 2004, NYHQ) Dear friends, Welcome to this annual consultation between the government of France and UNICEF. I wish to take this opportunity to thank the Government and people of the Republic of France for their strong and steadfast support to UNICEF over the years. We can be truly proud
UNICEF’s Comparative Advantage and Future Focus Presentation by Kul C. Gautam at UNICEF Global Consultation Dubai, 1 July 2004 Dear colleagues, Never before in the history of UNICEF have we assembled such a large cross section of UNICEF’s leadership – all of our country reps, regional director
Briefing by Kul Gautam For Executive Board members on UNICEF’s history, mission and contribution 7 January 2004 Let me start with a provocative question: Why do we need UNICEF? In the architecture of the United Nations system, UNICEF is a misfit. When the UN was founded, there was a carefully cons
Remarks By Kul Chandra Gautam Dana Point, California, 25 October 2003 It is a great pleasure, and privilege, for me to be with you here today. I am thrilled to address the 2003 World Vision Forum on a theme that lies at the heart of UNICEF’s mandate: the well-being of all children, everywher
Remarks by Kul Chandra Gautam At 44th Directing Council/55th Session of the Regional Committee PAHO, Washington DC, 24 September 2003 It is a great pleasure for me to be here at PAHO to review with this distinguished group of panellists the lessons learned in Primary Health Care (PHC) in t
Remarks by Mr. Kul C. Gautam Deputy Executive Director, UNICEF New York, 22 September 2003 I am delighted to have this opportunity, again, to speak to so many friends and partners of UNICEF from throughout the United States in this room today. As Board Members, staff, volunteers and our most generou
By Kul C. Gautam UNICEF Deputy Executive Director “Financing and investment for sustainable development in Latin America and the Caribbean: Regional perspectives on the fulfillment of the Monterrey Consensus and the Plan of Implementation for Johannesburg” Johannesburg, Tuesday 3 September 200
Remarks by Mr. Kul C. Gautam Deputy Executive Director United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) At the IGC Grain Conference 2003; London, UK 25 June 2003 It is a great privilege for me as a representative of the United Nations to address this distinguished gathering of the International Grains Coun
By Kul Gautam Deputy Executive Director United Nations Children’s Fund ( UNICEF) 22 Jun 2003 A month ago at the United Nations, nearly 400 children – all delegates to the Special Session on Children – join leaders of the world to proclaim their determination to create a world fit fo
Vancouver, 11 May 2003 It is so heart-warming to follow that wonderful tribute to Dr. Wah Jun Tze, and the background to this Congress, by Maggie Catley-Carlson. After listening to Maggie, who has been a mentor and a role model for me and so many others in UNICEF, I feel doubly privileged to have th
Statement by Kul C. Gautam Deputy Executive Director, UNICEF On Africa Malaria Day Washington D.C., 25 April 2003 Today, we at UNICEF are proud to join our partners here in commemorating Africa Malaria Day – with its theme of “Roll Back Malaria: Protect Women and Children”. On this occasion we
Tokyo, 22 February 2003 Introduction It is a great pleasure for me to be here on behalf of UNICEF at this 15th Annual Japan-UNICEF Consultation. It is also wonderful to see Japan represented at such a high level today by so many of UNICEF’s long-time friends. I would also like to thank a
By Kul C. Gautam Deputy Executive Director, UNICEF At Tulane University School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine New Orleans, 25 November 2002 It is a great privilege to have been invited by this great institution of international health and development to deliver a lecture dedicated to the mem
Herman D. Stein Lectureship in International Social Welfare The Well-being of Children as a Global Public Good By Kul C. Gautam Deputy Executive Director, United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) At the Mandel School of Applied Social Sciences Case Western Reserve University 18 November 2002 It is
Statement by Mr. Kul C. Gautam Deputy Executive Director, United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) At Cutting Edge 4: An International Working Conference for Leaders of Christian Ministries to Children at Risk Netherlands, 15 October 2002 It is a great pleasure to join you today, and I want t
Remarks by Mr. Kul C. Gautam Deputy Executive Director, United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) At the Third Committee 57th Session of the UN General Assembly New York, 11 October 2002 Item 105-Promotion and protection of the rights of children Item 43-Follow-up to the outcome of the special
Panel discussion on: Restoring Social Services: Identifying Priorities United Nations, New York, 10 September 2002 I am delighted to have this opportunity to chair this morning’s panel discussion on the very important subject of “restoring social services and identifying priorities” as part of
Remarks by Kul C. Gautam Deputy Executive Director, UNICEF At the Women and WASH Roundtable Dialogue At the World Summit on Sustainable Development Johannesburg, 4 September 2002 It has been acknowledged at this Summit that poverty is the major impediment to sustainable development. And as we know a
By Kul Chandra Gautam At the World Summit on Sustainable Development Johannesburg, 4 September 2002 It has been acknowledged at this Summit that poverty is the major impediment to sustainable development. And as we know all too often poverty is transmitted from generation to generation. Breaking the
“THE IMPERATIVE OF GIRLS’ EDUCATION: Gender Issues in Education for Sustainable Development” Statement by Kul C. Gautam Deputy Executive Director, UNICEF at the Parallel Event on Education for Sustainable Future Organized by UNESCO and the South African Ministry of Education at the World Summi
Remarks by Mr. Kul C. Gautam Deputy Executive Director, United Nations Children’s Fund At the UNICEF Side Event on Water, Children and Poverty World Summit on Sustainable Development Johannesburg, 2 September 2002 Previous speakers have spoken eloquently about how lack of water, sanitation a
“Financing and investment for sustainable development in Latin America and the Caribbean:Regional perspectives on the fulfillment of the Monterrey Consensus and the Plan of Implementation for Johannesburg” Talking Points for Kul C. Gautam, UNICEF Deputy Executive Director Johannesburg, Tuesday 3
Statement by Kul C. Gautam Deputy Executive Director, UNICEF At the TICAD Workshop at the WSSD Japan Pavilion, Ubuntu Exhibition Village Johannesburg, 31 August 2002 Much has been said at this workshop, and indeed in the plenary of the World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD), about the New Pa
WHO Parallel Event: “Intersectoral Action in Practice: Examples of Health and Sustainable Development” By Kul Chandra Gautam At the World Summit on Sustainable Development Johannesburg, 31 August 2002 It is often said that health is too important to be left to the care of medical professionals.
Remarks by Mr. Kul C. Gautam Deputy Executive Director, United Nations Children’s Fund At the Meeting of the African Ministerial Conference on Water World Summit on Sustainable Development Johannesburg, 29 August 2002 What a privilege it is to be talking about the need for all people and com
Remarks by Mr. Kul C. Gautam Deputy Executive Director United Nations Children’s Fund At the High-Level Briefing Programme National Conference of Editorial Writers United Nations Draft of 14 July 2002 23 July 2002 Distinguished colleagues from the media, ladies and gentlemen: On behalf of UNICEF,
Address by Kul C. Gautam Deputy Executive Director United Nations Children’s Fund At the Launch of the NGO/UNICEF Regional Network for Children In Central and Eastern Europe Commonwealth of Independent States and the Baltic States Sarajevo 27 June 2002 I am delighted to speak on behalf of the Unit
Statement by Kul C. Gautam Deputy Executive Director, UNICEF At the World Food Summit +5, Rome Italy, 11 June 2002 A month ago at the United Nations, nearly 400 children-all delegates to the historic Special Session on Children-proclaimed their determination to help create a world fit for child
Remarks by Mr. Kul C. Gautam UNICEF Deputy Executive Director At the Conference of the Global Network of Religions for Children Report on the UN Special Session on Children and the Role of Religions 12 May 2002 Venerable leaders of the world’s religious and spiritual communities and members of the
Remarks by Mr. Kul C. Gautam UNICEF Deputy Executive Director At the Conference of the Global Network of Religions for Children Report on the UN Special Session on Children and the Role of Religions 12 May 2002 Venerable leaders of the world’s religious and spiritual communities and members of the
Statement by Mr. Kul C. Gautam Deputy Executive Director United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) Miami, March 10, 2002 I feel so happy to be addressing all of you here, at this meeting on sustaining the elimination of iodine deficiency in the Americas. As I look at this audience, I do not se
Statement by Kul C. Gautam Deputy Executive Director, UNICEF At the TICAD Ministerial meeting Tokyo, 3 December 2001 Solidarity for Africa is a common theme of most intenational conferences these days. The largest gathering of world leaders in history, at the United Nations Millennium Summit l
Talking points for Kul C. Gautam On the Occasion of the Award Ceremony for the Lifting Up the World with a Oneness Heart 4 August 2001 It is truly a great privilege and honour to receive this Lifting Up the World with a Oneness Heart award on behalf of UNICEF. I would particularly like to …
by Kul C. Gautam Deputy Executive Director, UNICEF June 10, 2001 The late James P. Grant, former Executive Director of UNICEF, was a visionary with a missionary zeal. I have never encountered a man, or a woman, whose faith in human capacity for doing good was so profound, and whose
Remarks By Kul Chandra Gautam South Asian High Level Meeting on Investing in Children Kathmandu, 22 May 2001 Excellencies, Young change makers, Distinguished participants, Ladies and Gentlemen: It is my pleasure to address you on behalf of UNICEF here in my own region of the world and in my home cou
Statement by Mr. Kul C. Gautam UNICEF Deputy Executive Director Seoul, 5 February 2001 President Park of EBS. Mr. Eguchi of ABU. Colleagues and friends. I am delighted to be with you here today and to have an opportunity to address the diverse and distinguished group of participants gathered for thi
Keynote Address by Kul C. Gautam Deputy Executive Director, UNICEF At “Sacrifice of the Innocents”—Two Films on Sexual Violence Against Children New York, 18 October 2000 I would like to start by paying a tribute to the two filmmakers tonight—Grace Poore and Ellen Bruno. Their well-crafted f
STATEMENT BY KUL C. GAUTAM DEPUTY EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, UNICEF TO THE ANNUAL CONFERENCE OF THE GLOBAL HEALTH COUNCIL Arlington, Virginia – 15 June 2000 It is a great pleasure to be in the company not only of so many good friends of the United Nations Children’s Fund, but of so many clo
Speech delivered by Dr. Kul Gautam Deputy Executive Director of UNICEF Arlington, Virginia – 15 June 2000 15 June 2000 It is a great pleasure to be in the company not only of so many good friends of the United Nations Children’s Fund, but of so many close working partners as well – partn
Address by Kul C. Gautam Deputy Executive Director UNICEF To the United Nations Sub-Committee on Nutrition Symposium on Nutrition Stocktaking and Challenges for the 21st Century Washington, DC, 11 April 2000 Mr Chairman and distinguished participants, At this meeting, which has so many of the w
Statement by Mr. Kul C. Gautam Regional Director EAPRO UNICEF Executive Board 10 September 1998 The three country programme recommendations from the East Asia and Pacific region that are before the Board have been prepared in the midst of an unprecedented economic crisis that has engulfed the region
Presentation by Mr. Kul C. Gautam Regional Director, UNICEF, East Asia and Pacific region At a Public Seminar organized by the United Nations Association of Singapore to commemorate 50th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights Singapore, 15 August 1998 Everybody recognizes tha
Statement by Mr. Kul C. Gautam Regional Director, EAPRO UNICEF Executive Board 28 January 1998 Mr. President, It is a pleasure for me to be back at the Executive Board after an absence of one and a half years. I see many friends and colleagues here with whom I had the privilege of working toge